European Clubs Ranking
Jérôme Faugeras' method


In this method, both the European Cups results and the final standings in domestic leagues are taken into account.

Sum up of the main principles

At the beginning of the season, every european club is assigned a Club Level (CL) scaling its Value from 0 to 20.
The Club Value (CV) is the sum of the European Club Value and the Domestic Club Value, with the best of both weighting twice (4/3 and 2/3 coefficients).
The European (resp. Domestic) Club Value (ECV (resp.DCV)) is the sum of the European (resp. Domestic) Club Results for the last four seasons, each one being twice more important than the previous one (8, 4, 2 and 1 coefficients).
The European Club Result (ECR) depends on the results of each tie the club plays in European Cups during the season (a Champions League round robin of 4 clubs is considered as 3 different ties for each club, though these ties count half the direct elimination ones). Each tie yields Tie Points (TP) according to the result of the two legs (or one or three sometimes) and to the Club Level of both clubs involved. The European Club Result is the sum of these Tie Points, possibly modified by an Opportunity Coefficient (OC) and an Adversity Coefficient (AC) used to put on an equal footing clubs having different opportunities to play more or less ties, and possibly increased by some Bonus Points for having participated to some specific rounds, as for the common UEFA coefficients.
The Domestic Club Result (DCR) depends on its final rank in its domestic league during the season, through the Domestic Rank Coefficient, and on the Association Value of its country.
The Domestic Rank Coefficient (DRC) is so that a position with 10 ranks behind another yields half its points, the winner of the league being yielded 1.
The Association Value (AV) is the sum of the Association Results for the last four seasons (including this for the current year), each season being as important as the average of the previous four (4, 3, 2 and 1 coefficients).
The Association Result (AR) is the average of the European Club Results earned by clubs of the association having played in European Cups this season, possibly modified by a Dispersal Coefficient (DC) used to put associations with different number (and then with different level) of playing clubs on an equal footing (the common is 4 clubs).

The European Club Level of Success (CLS) is the sum of the last four European Club Values, each season being as important as the average of the previous four (4, 3, 2 and 1 coefficients), which determines which club has been the most successful in European Cups for the last four years.
Note : these rankings begin in 1955 for the first European Cup, every club being then assigned a null Club Level.

To know more about the ranking method
Pour en savoir plus sur la méthode de classement

A more basic method...


to the European Clubs Rankings main page

About this document

Prepared and maintained by Jérôme Faugeras for the Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation

Author: Jérôme Faugeras
Last updated: 23 December 2024

(C) Copyright Jérôme Faugeras and RSSSF 1997-2024
You are free to copy this document in whole or part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the author. All rights reserved.